~We've run out of napkins in our car.
~The kids have french fry withdrawal.
~I'm asked if I'm making Chalupas for dinner.
~We don't find straws on the floor of our van anymore.
~No more ketchup stains on my clothes.
~I can't find one chicken nugget in the van to reuse when the baby is hungry.
~I find myself daydreaming about that old "Burger King" commercial:
"Hold the pickles,
hold the lettuce.
Special orders
Don't upset us.
All we ask is
that you let us
serve it your way."
~The idea of going to McDonald's actually sounds appealing.
~The kids ask for their ice water in a plastic cup with a lid.
~We've run out of the extra little hot sauce packets that we store in the refrigerator.
~My baby's first words won't be "Would you like something to drink with that?"
~"Soft serve" now describes my tennis swing.
~I've forgotten the name of the freckled redheaded girl on the sign of the restaurant.
~My kids think that Panda Express is a train to the San Diego Zoo.