Every now and then, I've been logging on to a couple of the blogs that had promoted me in the past. I've even mentioned them in my prior posts.
However, it's getting harder and harder for me to support them. And, no, I'm not providing links. It boils down to one challenge that I have with both. Vulgarity. Let's get this straight. I'm no shrinking violet when it comes to crude language. I just don't expect to find it in some places. One would be on the blogs that I link to. When I read the work of other writers, I don't expect to get hit with foul and sexual language out of the blue. It ruins the whole experience for me. I mean, if I link to some of the real estate bubble blogs, I know that I'll encounter some rough language--that's one of the many reasons I rarely go on.
Basically, one blog spent an entire week quoting people who gave way too much information about their or other's sexual experiences. For those who are interested in that sort of thing, don't they have web sites devoted to that? Can't people be interesting, funny, and popular without being crude? They must not think so.
The other blog is posted by a young guy who dabbles in real estate and ebiz. I was interested in reading about how his businesses were doing, so I'd log on once every three or four weeks. The other day, he explained what he thought of the new Indiana Jones movie. My oldest son had just seen it and said it was horrible. He was really disappointed. Well, the blogger didn't like it, either, but he was more upset at the babies who were in the theater with him (can't blame him there--really annoying for me, too).
However, in describing his frustration with the situation, he was vulgar. It came out of nowhere and really surprised me, as I had not seen him do this before. His blog is off my list. Maybe he's trying to wrangle a higher reader count by doing what many of the popular bloggers do out there.
But let's analyze this for just one little second. He owns a few internet-based businesses. He wants people to buy his products. Does he think that letting the f-bomb slip is going to help his professional image? I wouldn't buy anything from him. There are so many well-written blogs out there that don't stoop to antics in their attempt to attract people. Would I resort to offensive posts to get more attention?
Not me. I won't sell out for anything.